2 Glóðhúfur á rokk í Heiðmörk í janúar.

4 - We need snow to light up the short day!

The number 21 is my favorite number, but I don't know if it is a lucky number. Unbelievably many times I look at the time and it's 21 something or 21 minutes past something. That's why I decided to always write a little on the blog on the 21st of every month, if I had something to say.

I opened my website on June 21, 2021 so now it is 5 months old. The reception has been great and I am currently getting the recipes translated into English and German, let's see if there are more languages.

I feel extremely lucky to have started this recipe bix of mine 2 years ago and feel like I'm doing 2 of my favorite hobbies photography and knitting. I'm always looking for something new that I can use for photo shoots of my knitting stuff, yesterday I got this idea that you can see on the side.

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